About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Some poems from November 6, 2007!

Soup Bowl
Osvaldo R.

When I went to Wrigley
Field it was humangus
Like a big soup bowl
(like a bowl full of people)
whith a big spoon that
looks like lights.

The Heat Maker
Patrick L.

I saw a heat maker in
the sky (3 or 4 years old)
it was so hot and yellow I
stared at it and said “I hate
heat maker” now it is not so bright.

My Sister
Monika B.

When I was little
(a little kid in pre-k)
i thought my sister was big
(almost like a giant)
but now big i am
(almost as high)
goodbye smallness

Six Flag
Sarah L.

Six flag so fun
(i don’t like roller coasters, i
throw up)
the rides so much fun
food so tasty
do we have to go now

Rebecca Byrne

Cake is on the table
sitting their watching it
(birthday party)
listening to the song
waiting for it to be over
so we could eat

My Breakfast
Michael J.

i’m eating Strawberry Cheerios (I’d love
to be rich) there are pink cheerios and
white cheerios. i have milk that is warm.

The crazy life
Rebecca E.

a frog is like a painting
(very, very young)
shiny and small
(funny like a circus)
i programmed it to sing
but it just didn’t.

When I got a dog
Patrycja J.

When I was five (i
got a dog. i thought it
was a teddy bear)
i was so happy

now should i name it
smily face (no)
baby (no)
I will name him “My first dog.”

Alliyah L.

when I go to america
(at six years old)
i feel sad
and feeling cold

my hair is the moonlight
at night
being so bright

at america, I feel glad

Narrative Memory Poem
Elizabeth C.

one night I woke up
i heard a banging sound
(wow that was loud)
it was a banging pot that
is like a drum
it was my little sister
she had a pot on her head
banging it
i put her back to bed
and i went back to bed

The Strange Noise
Amy A.

I woke up in the middle of
the night. (There I saw a shadow
that is like a monster.) I heard a
strange noise. It was becoming
louder. I followed it into the
closet doors. I opened it I saw
my dad in there.

Narrative Memory Poem
Ashley M.

I was having lunch
(Man I feel like)
I was in the clouds
When I woke up
this morning!

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